Free Stuff

  • Parachute Workbook – Coming soon!
  • The Party Exercise – a free color worksheet that helps to identify an individual’s Holland Code. The code can point toward potential jobs and reveals other values for a successful career choice. Click to download the PDF.
  • List of Job Families that recruiters use – 84 categories! This list is from Transform Interests Into Jobs: A Career Practitioner’s Guide, co-authored by Carol Christen and Robin Roman Wright. Click to download the PDF.
  • Do you need a career coach? This video by Robin Roman Wright, career coach for teens and young adults, will help you to answer that question.
  • Newsletter Archives – read past issues of the newsletter that I produce with Robin Roman Wright.
man with parachute

Other Resources

  • is “a Goldmine of Career and Educational Information” and has been a great resource for helping students plan their careers for over 30 years! EUREKA is subscription based. Here are some questions that you can start to answer by using tools that are available through the EUREKA site:
  • What career might be best for you?
  • Which schools and / or training programs meet your needs?
  • What financial aid is available?
  • Helps equip career practitioners to prepare students or clients to chart their own paths.
  • Provides tools and techniques to enable students or clients to find meaningful work and support a rich and full life.

Discover yourself, design your future, and plan for your dream job!